10 Debunked Misconceptions About Doing Art
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10 Debunked Misconceptions About Doing Art

From someone who actually does art

10 Debunked Misconceptions About Doing Art
Marissa Domantay

As an artist, I get a lot of comments and questions from people who don't identify as artists. Comments such as "I like your art" and "Can I see more of your works?" don't bother me at all. However, comments such as "I wish I can do art like you" or "I can NEVER draw like that" bothers me.

Art for me is like any other discipline but also an subjective discipline. It takes practice to draw in a way others would consider well. However, it's subjective because art is also an expression, so maybe drawing something that other's consider "bad" is good for art. Art is complicated.

However, art is not complicated when I see people draw a stick figure and give up. It literally UPSETS me to see someone give up after a bad drawing. Art is hard, but you can't simply give up.

Then, before my blood can boil, I realized something. People are misinformed on what art is and what artist do. There's this image of an artist people have, so I decided to debunk these misconceptions and images of the artist that people have.

And hopefully, just hopefully, It'll motivate people to start doing art.

1. Art times time

Yes everyone, art is a process, so it takes time. Being considered amazing at art doesn't happen overnight. Like most beginning artists, my first pieces were bad.

2. Art can be self-taught

There are some people out there thinking that in order to do art, they would have to do a class. Art classes are great and beneficial in its own right, but some people can't afford the time nor money to take an art course.

For me, I was self-taught most of my life. I didn't have access to any art courses, and I didn't start taking any until my junior year of high school. And by then, I was considered an artist by most of my peers. Also, there are videos for specific art skills online!

3. You don't need good materials to do art

When I first started doing art, I thought you would need the paints made from Italy and bristles from a rare bird from a tropical setting. But, you don't. Yes, there are art supplies that are a bit better than others (RoseArt and Crayola, I'm looking at you), but you can honestly use cheap supplies and have an amazing piece.

**Note: This piece was made by two ordinary materials**

4. It's OK to 'copy'

People are often intimidated to start art because they don't know how to start and are super self-conscious. So, here's a tip: "copy".

I put quotation marks around copy because there's a difference between plagiarism and copying to styles. Plagiarism in art is usually recolors of characters straight from the source. Copying, for artist, is observing art styles and copying (literally drawing the same thing) at first but then using what you learned from copying into your own pieces.

For example, as a kid, I use to draw Sailor Moon a lot by observing the way she was drawn by literally looking at an image and drawing it out. My current art style has some influences from that, but it's really hard to say that my drawing and Sailor Moon is the same thing.

**Note: Even though the piece above is "fanart" and, therefore, intentionally in the style of Steven Universe, I still use what I learned from drawing this into my own style).

5. Artists use references, too

This kinda relates to #3, but people think artists use intense studying to draw something to the point where they can free hand it. However, we artists definitely reference images and pieces for their artwork. For me, I reference a lot of figure drawings and palettes from the internet when creating characters. It's even a challenge for artists.

6. No need for a sketchbook

I kinda find this in the image of the artist. A lot of people, including myself for a bit, thought in order to be an artist and start art, you're gonna need a sketchbook. You know, one of those vintage leather sketchbook artists carry around.

But, you don't. For the longest time, I drew on pieces of notebook, graph, and printing paper. I didn't have my official first sketchbook until my junior year of high school- and that was for a class!

**Note: I used regular printing paper to draw the doodle above!**

7. Abstract art is art

Okay, this one is a bit strange, but let me explain. For the longest time, I didn't consider abstract art and art. Like most people, I was confused by it and constantly asked: "how is a SHAPE valued as art."

But, now I get it. After drawing a few Abstract pieces, I understood that abstract art is an art for a good reason. It's could be longer when it comes to the process, and, surprisingly enough, there's a lot of thinking put into abstract art.

**Note: The piece above took me 8+ hours**

8. Critiques are great

Okay, this is where people starting art are most afraid of. They are afraid people will criticize their pieces and, thus, lowering motivation. Personally, for a bit, I was offended every time someone criticized my piece because I took a lot of time and heart into it.

However, as I took more art courses and, therefore, gotten more critiques. I started appreciating criticism because these comments helped me improve in my pieces.

9. Sketches are a thing

OK, let me explain. People seem to think that artists just what to draw straight away. That is false! When I first started drawing, I didn't sketch an outline or body figure at first. So, my earlier works were not proportionate at all.

So, don't be scared to sketch out what you need to draw out first before finalizing. Art is a process.

10. Don't worry about finding your own style

When I began drawing, I was scared about not finding my own style. Artists have their own style of drawing things, and as an artist, you are pressured to find your own.

However, if you follow the steps above and just draw (and never give up). You'll find your own style one day- or multiple!

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