When you graduate high school you suddenly get a giant wave of nostalgia; all of the rude and obnoxious people you have known since Pre-K are now distant memories. However, you will eventually lose most of those nostalgic feelings...except when it comes to prom.
1. The anticipation.
Whether it is waiting to see where prom is being held, or just waiting for prom itself, you can't wait.
2. Going dancing with your friends.
If you're going to do your most embarrassing move, you may as well do it with your best friends.
3. The dress.
Dress shopping, hands down, is the best part about prom. You literally get to run through racks of amazing dresses that you may be able to wear on prom night.
4. The dress.
Honestly, there is NO NEED to spend a million and a half dollars on a dress. Thrift it up!
Hmm...did I forget to mention?
6. Flower shopping (kind of).
Finding beautiful flowers for the bouquet or corsage can be really fun...most of the time. Suddenly you're arguing with your date and the florist about what color ribbon you want and why. Be wary, at the florists.
7. Looking up "prom hair" tutorials on YouTube.
DIY is the best way (and the most cost-effective)!
8. Looking up "prom makeup" tutorials on YouTube.
"Did I use too much lipstick?"
9. Being able to look fancy for a night.
Pretending like you're on the red carpet at the Oscars is what prom is all about, right?
10. Going to dairy frost before the big night.
People in upstate, NY, you get it.