Music is pretty much my life. There are very few moments of true joy that are greater for me than discovering a new artist or song to be obsessed with. Unfortunately, most of my friends don't share my taste in music. In a (hopefully not vain) attempt to educate some of you on what good music is, here are 10 artists that you need to be listening to if you're not already.
1. Stars
Stars is one of all time favorite bands; unfortunately, I can count on one hand how many people I have met that share my appreciation for their music. I'm hoping that this is because people just haven't come across them yet since they are a Canadian band.
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead:
Hold On When You Get Love And Let Go When You Give It:
2. Silversun Pickups
Considering the fact that any self respecting alternative radio station plays this gem of a band, you really have no excuse to have never heard of them. But just in case, you're welcome.
Lazy Eye:
Circadian Rhythm (Last Dance):
3. Say Hi
Say Hi has a great vibe. I could listen to their albums on a loop all day and never get tired of a single song.
Northwestern Girls:
4. The Boxer Rebellion
Great sound, great lyrics, great band.
Spitting Fire:
If You Run:
5. Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
Pretty easy listening. Sometimes their songs can get you a little too into your feelings, so proceed with caution.
Broadripple is Burning:
A Children's Crusade on Acid:
6. Halsey
I knew Halsey had quite the following, but didn't really get into her music until a couple weeks ago. Now I have to say I'm pretty obsessed.
7. Arctic Monkeys
Pretty much everyone knows their hit song "Do I Wanna Know?" but their other tracks are pretty fantastic as well.
Do I Wanna Know?:
One For The Road:
8. The Shins
Great driving music, really.
Simple Song:
New Slang:
9. Best Coast
Relaxed vibe, easy listening, highly recommend.
Our Deal:
10. M83
While theymay be best known for their hit "Midnight City," M83 actually has put out a lot of really top notch music.
Too Late:
That's my top 10 for today (barely scraping the top of my music library). Please share to save a life, and let me know if there are any other bands that I need to check out.