Who Runs the World? Girls.
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Who Runs the World? Girls.

Who Runs the World? Girls.

In a world where secrets are kept with pinky promises sealed with kisses and diamonds are our forever best friends, it is truly remarkable that women have not ran the world since day one. We’ve got the brains, the beauty and our wonderful femininity that makes us the brilliant human beings that we are. Besides physical, animalistic strength, we can do everything a man can do, sometimes even better.  

The Queen of pop had it right in her 2011 hit "Run the World (Girls)" as she beautifully articulated the power females possess, because ladies, we do run this world. It's just a shame we haven't since the day we were brought to this Earth. The joke that God made Eve after He created Adam "was because practice makes perfect", is so true. We are perfect. Throughout history men have made countless mistakes. Their biggest one? Not allowing women to be the head of things since the start. So, here's to why the world we be so much better if women were in charge before the 21st century and why we run this world. 

War. Women would never have created such a concept. The biggest clash women have to encounter is hand to hand combat when one girl is holding the strap of a pretty shimmery BCBG dress and another is gripping the end of the hemline, as they brutally fight each other in hopes that one will triumphantly walk out of the store with her new date night attire. If woman ran the world, war would be nothing compared to the devastation it has caused countries for centuries. We have too much of a nurturing, compassionate nature to ever cause serious harm to the masses.  No Hitler's, Mussolini's or Stalin's. No atomic bombs murdering hundreds of thousands of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No drafts that would take our husbands, brothers, and fathers away from their families. Wars have spanned across the human race since ancient times because men get other men to fight men from other countries ruled by men to battle men over disputes that men created. The worst a woman would do to another woman is perhaps crudely embarrass her adversary, or if she really wants to get back at the girl, hook up with her enemy’s main squeeze. In the big scheme of things, a devious kiss with your friend’s boyfriend is far less dangerous than sending a missile to kill a small city in a foreign country. So, yeah. War would be nonexistent if women had any say in the matter when the idea of bloody battles was first created.

Politics. Before the 21st century, and still somewhat today, politics is seen as a man’s game. There has rarely been a strong leading female presence in politics, and when there are candidates that are women, these ladies are not taken very seriously. Okay, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin don’t count.  The government, the political parties, and global legislation are totally and unfairly man-made. The way I see it, if women were the head of politics, things would be perfect. Like rainbows and butterflies. Laws would be fair, taxes wouldn’t be so bad, and woman would have sympathy. Countries would be happy with each other and our female diplomatic leaders would all be great gal pals discussing how to spread the love. The worst thing we would have to worry about is global gossip and heavy government spending at Saks Fifth Avenue. 

Women’s Rights. Amendment 19 would be no such thing because
if women ran our world, they would be admitting privileges to all. Women would not have to fight for their rights like they did throughout history. We would just be automatically granted them. Men wouldn’t have power of what girls could and could not do. We would vote and say what we wanted and how we wanted it. #SayYesToAllWomen would not have to be invented, because it would not even be a question where women stood and no one would dare deny a girl what she desired or take her rights away from her. No pressure, no force, and no stupid lewd boys who think they can get away with doing what they want with the female race. We are lucky that today women have the freedom we so righteously deserve, like Jack White has said, “She ‘s got freedom in the 21st century” and amen to that sista! 

Life. Life would be easy, breezy, beautiful, just like your favorite Cover Girl. The art of being a woman is not as simple as everyone thinks. We know pain, hello childbirth. We know discomfort, thank you mother nature for that one. But most importantly, we know how to love. Just take a look and watch some Animal Planet. Female lions, bears, monkeys, elephants, birds, even domesticated dogs love their young uncontrollably and protect them ferociously. It's instinctual. The love a woman has is nothing compared to what a man can share. And love is what makes the world go round, right? So, next time you spot a female in her natural habitat, think twice before calling her a bad driver, or thinking that she is not as strong as a man or her job is in the kitchen, etc. Women are strong, ambitious, courageous, beautiful, confident, and every great adjective that can be found in Webster's dictionary. Like Beyonce so proudly says, "Who are we? What we run?! The world" and girls, more power to us. 

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